
smartctl: Unable to detect device type - dual boot

I tried to use smartctl with sudo smartctl -a /dev/nvme0n1 and it showed /dev/nvme0n1: Unable to detect device type. Please specify device type with the -d ...


Based on the device path, smartctl will guess the device type (ATA or SCSI). If necessary, the '-d' option can be used to override this guess Note that the ...

Unable to detect device type Smartctl

OMV is issueing the smartctl command without the -d option. I need the -d option to explicitly state that the drives are SATA drives. This ...

Allow options like device type for smartctl to be selected in S.M.A.R.T ...

The solution is to: The OMV project will not add the requested form field to allow users to set the smartctl -d command line argument because of technical ...


ata - the device type is ATA. This prevents smartctl from issuing SCSI commands to an ATA device. scsi - the device type is SCSI. This prevents smartctl from ...

smartctl(8) — smartmontools — Debian unstable

smartctl controls the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) system built into most ATA/SATA and SCSI/SAS hard drives and solid-state ...

smartctl & megaraid

Run smartctl --scan to print all devices attached including the device id and RAID type: # smartctl --scan /dev/sda -d scsi # /dev/sda, SCSI ...

smartctl & device type mismatch - scsi

You'll get more reliable results with smartctl --scan-open , which will detect your ATA devices as sat . This will show the full information ...

smartctl on external hdd inside ide-to

The only 100% reliable way to access SMART on a disk is to unplug it from the bridge and stick it on a proper host adaptor (like an on-board SATA controller or ...

SOLVED - Unable to detect device type

/dev/da0p1: Unable to detect device type. Please specify device type with the -d option. Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary.


Itriedtousesmartctlwithsudosmartctl-a/dev/nvme0n1anditshowed/dev/nvme0n1:Unabletodetectdevicetype.Pleasespecifydevicetypewiththe-d ...,Basedonthedevicepath,smartctlwillguessthedevicetype(ATAorSCSI).Ifnecessary,the'-d'optioncanbeusedtooverridethisguessNotethatthe ...,OMVisissueingthesmartctlcommandwithoutthe-doption.Ineedthe-doptiontoexplicitlystatethatthedrivesareSATAdrives.This ...,Thesolutio...